Gabb Global was created by neuroscientsts.

We lead with the neuroscience

In our work at UCLA, executives use their neuroscience backgrounds to understand the brain mechanisms that support context-dependent learning at UCLA we recruited a separate group of participants and scanned their brains with functional magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI. As the subjects attempted to recall foreign words while in the scanner, their brain activity indicated that they were thinking about the context in which they had learned each word. Thus far, findings suggest that virtual reality can enhance learning if it is convincingly produced.

How researchers are chosen

We welcome thoughtful, forward-thinking proposals from researchers worldwide. Gabb scientists screen each application for rigor, feasibility, and the potential for the study to move scientific understanding forward. Successful applicants receive free access to Gabb VR’s tools and, in certain cases, limited access to data on cognitive performance. Currently, research partners are exploring topics such as normal aging, certain medical conditions, and the relationship between physical exercise and Gabb training.

We compare our immerse method VS. traditional methods


The Magic of Gabb Global

Sound + Word + Object + Emotion = Effective Learning

Gabb Global pairs the fun and interactive elements of VR that kids love with sophisticated monitoring and engagement tools for kids and parents to ensure that the students are progressing.

Virtual Reality Immersion

VR Immersion supports language learning by eliminating many of the distractions and other challenges present in a traditional classroom setting.

Pocket Parent Tutor

A user-friendly, automated, multi-platform language and conversation instructor for students – allowing them to Gabb in real-time.


The assessment is intuitive, adapts to each student on the go, based on their responses, and is graded automatically in real-time. We can tell you where in the brain your memories are stored as well.

Learning Management System

Our assessment measures all core competencies: Reading, writing, listening, speaking, and cognitive skills.

 Gabb gives you unlimited opportunities to immerse yourself in authentic 3D locations where you can learn and practice foreign language conversation with real people. You no longer have to settle for pre-scripted language apps or over-priced language tutoring. Join hundreds of people who have switched to Gabb and never looked back. Your classrooms can look just like this.